Sunday, September 28, 2008

Drinking Tea in England

I am pretty tired as I write this because I just got home from an international adventure! I visited Jack in England and had a great time. I am still amazed at the public transportation and it was so easy to hop over to England, albeit time consuming. Everything was punctual but I made sure to leave some time for late buses, etc. so I ended up sitting around and reading. But that is better than sprinting through the airport. I arrived in Sheffield, in Yorkshire, and found the building where Jack was currently in for class. Once his class was over, we walked around Sheffield and it was like becoming acquainted with someone who I had heard a lot about but never actually gotten to meet. Jack made stir fry for dinner and I had quorn -- a meat substitute in the fungi family that tastes like chicken -- for the first time. It was tasty.

On Friday Jack had class so I went to the grocery store. I LOVE grocery stores in foreign countries. All the things that I usually take for granted look so different and so cute in new packaging. I enjoy looking at the food items that we don't have, poking at the produce, and reading the labels to see how the marketing tactics differ. I killed a good hour in the grocery store. Then I went home and made baked ziti with zucchini, salad, and brownies.

I think all I write about is food... but Friday night Jack and I went to a really cool Thai restaurant. It is the kind of place where even the silverware is awesome. The food was delicious and the mints were amazing. 

Saturday we went to The Peak District. This is a national park in England and it was beautiful. Lots of sheep just hung out and the weather was incredible. Here are some pictures!!

After a nice afternoon at the peaks, we went to a pub for dinner. It was on Jack's campus and it was cool to see students of a different university (Sheffield Hallam) interacting. I had a tasty salad. Then we bought a big pack of biscuits (aka cookies) and gobbled them down with tea. The picture at the beginning of the post is of me finally enjoying tea in England. Ahh it just felt right. 

1 comment:

Kristin Heckler said...

yo i totally got you that shirt at glacier!!!