Sunday, June 21, 2009

A Father's Day Tribute

I'm sitting here with my hair blowing around from the fan, sipping some coffee, and reveling in being bright eyed and bushy tailed at 7:ooam on a Sunday. I am also thinking about how incredibly lucky I am to have the best dad on earth. I honestly cannot imagine a better father. This post is a tribute to my Daddyo and the other father figures in my life: GD and Uncle Jack.

GD is the coolest grandfather ever. He taught me how to tie my shoes and helped me memorize my phone number. He got me in the habit of putting a cold washcloth on  my face to calm me down if I am crying about something. He taught me how to drive a tractor.  GD always slips a little cash in my hand so I can buy "lunch".  He used to threaten us with sticks if we didn't behave - but we all agree it helped us learn some discipline. Though I have to say I think Kate would have benefitted from a couple wacks on the bum with a stick.  GD has worked hard every single day of his life and taught me a lot about focus and ambition. He likes to have things done right and stands by his beliefs. He also really enjoys watching Two & a Half Men and using the expression, "This is the best (insert name of anything edible here) I've ever had in my life!" I am so blessed to have a grandfather that would do anything for me and I am so grateful for my GD.
Uncle Jack. Where to begin? Uncle Jack has always been the most hilarious person in the family. Alysia tries to rival him but she has yet to claim the title. I look forward to every time Uncle Jack visits and fortunately that is frequent.  He walks in the room and things start to get a lot more fun. Its not typical to find Uncle Jack chowing down on a hoagie, winking at Hannah to say grace, or cracking a joke about how obsessed my parents are with Annie. He pretends to be very mature and professional sometimes, but he is a kid at heart. A kid that hid his bathing suit in bushes, stole tasty cakes from his neighbors, and painted pokadots on their house. Those stories were always my favorites and I am glad my Mom indulged me so many times. Uncle Jack is a really wonderful father and a selfless man. He gives great advice and I know I will turn to him more and more as I get older. He also makes fun of my mother relentlessly, and for that I am grateful. ;-)  Love you lots Uncle Jack.

Two peas in a pod.
GD is making the epic farmer's omelet. My stomach just growled.

I love my Dad because he is really photogenic.
He loves making drinks and has a thing for penguins. Actually, I made that up about penguins but he is a great bartender. His drinks are pretty stiff though, which makes for some excellent Clauhs family events.
I can't come up with a caption for this that isn't an understatement. My father's love for Penn State can not be put in words.
He is pretty silly and while we all think Kate is a nut, there is something these two have in common. I think if they had been friends in college they would have partied side by side. We all know he had some wild days. And that orange bow tie... pure class.
I was excited to come across this photo because it is Daddy's look of love. We know we are doing something right when he gives us this look, and he does all the time. 
He is incredibly conscientious and always makes sure things are perfect. Here he is inspecting the Christmas tree. He keeps us safe and I never worry when my Dad is near. He is the ultimate protector, even if its just making sure the tree lights are twinkling.
Dad loves his boat and has created so many fun times for all of us out on the water. He also has some sweet swim trunks that he saw on the Today Show and immediately ordered. When my Dad wants something he gets it... from the boat to the trunks. This is unfortunately a trait I have picked up. ;-)

There is nothing my Father loves more than his girls - Mom and Annie included in the "girls" category. He has been a Dad for almost 26 years and has never disappointed me once. He is a brilliant man that provided us with wonderful childhoods and now teaches us how to be independent young women. He always lets us know he is proud and encourages me everyday. He makes time for us whenever we need him and I am grateful to be in constant communication. He always tells me that I impress him, but I hope he knows he is my motivation.
I am sending lots of love up there and thanking my lucky stars for blessing me with such a wonderful father, GD, and Uncle! 


Alysia said...

This is great and 100% true. Now you've got me crying ;)

kattt said...

awwwwwwwwww. nice work mols. couldn't agree more (except for deserving to get hit with the stick and being a nut).